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Online coaching

Online coaching with me is coaching adapted to your goals and needs, in a way best fitted for you. Your training program is adaptable to your life and its ups, downs and turns, but always your goal in focus! You’ll get a program that progresses so that you evolve towards your goals. Changes and results take time and patience. I’ll provide a good dose of patience when/if yours decreases, and you put in the time. Progressive and inspiring training creates habits that lasts. You can create changes that are not only changes, but it is also your life right now and in the future. I’m here to support you when you need it and we check in on your progress and setbacks every week in a video call.

·   App for easy access to your training schedule.
The Twiik-app gives you access to schedule, chat, follow-up and more.

·   Training program
A program that have progression every week so that you can reach your goals.

·   Check-ins every week
We evaluate and look forward. Solve issues and celebrate success.

·   Reply within 24h
Through the chat in the app you’ll reach me and have a reply within 24 hours. Weekends and holidays excepted; the reply might take a bit longer.

·   Nutrition advice
I’m happy to answer any questions about food and diet. Advice, inspiration and recipes.


Apply through email or directly through Twiik

"Motivationen att testa mina gränser och våga gå över dem... även när jag inte trodde på mig själv."

"För mig så var Tina fantastisk på många sätt. Hon är lugn, systematisk, envis, 100 % fokuserad, uppmuntrande, kunnig, målinriktad, informerande, punktlig. Jag kände mig alltid mycket positivt pushad framåt."

"Tyckte allt var jättebra! Övningarna hjälpte verkligen att underlätta graviditeten och minska smärtorna med min ischias!"

"Tina är lyhörd, ambitiös, har fokus på tekniken, anpassar till dagsform, utbildar en i hur kroppen fungerar"

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